Friday, June 7, 2013

Side Trail: Family Gathering in Alabama

Lake Guntersville from Chalet
What: A trip to Alabama to attend our niece's wedding that turned into a vacation with our entire family.
When: May 6 to May 13, 2013
Why: When we became aware of our niece's wedding date, we decided we wanted to attend. All of my immediate family (parents and sibling) have gone to greener pastures, so M's and my children and their progeny are my only immediate family: SJ&M (older daughter, husband and new granddaughter); W&C (son and wife); C&M (younger expectant daughter and husband). M has a sister TRob who lives in Grant, AL (near Huntsville) with her husband and they have 6 children. M's brother also sadly passed on some years ago so TRob's children are our only nieces (3) and nephews (3). We have enjoyed over the years building close relationships with each one of them. M's mom and her two sisters are still alive and kicking it in Asheville, NC and we enjoy seeing them on a regular basis. Our girls are close by, but the boy lives with his wife in Portland, OR (not for long) so we do not see them often (PTL for FaceTime). So, since all of our children were invited we conspired to get together with essentially all of M's family in Guntersville, AL near Grant were TRob lives; that would be all M's living aunts, her mother, all her sister's family and our immediate clan. This could be a truly unique family gathering.

M and I decided to rent two chalets at Lake Guntersville State Park (LGSP) since the wedding would be held at the Lodge there and it was close to most of the activity and only 30 minutes from Grant. One chalet we rented for the entire week surrounding the wedding because W&C decided to take a week's vacation and spent that entire time with us (O joy!). The other we took for the three days close to the wedding so the other children would have a comfortable space as well. Travel arrangements and other logistics were planned and then all we had to do was wait to gather down there. Following are some brief descriptions of the events and some pictures. We had an absolutely marvelous time.
We are here
Day 1, Monday, May 6th: In the wee hours of the morning we headed out to AL, arriving after much rain at LGSP. We checked in, grabbed some groceries and drove up the mountain to  Grant to have dinner with Rob folks; from their we drove to Huntsville to pick up W&C and were back at the chalet late in the evening. A day of driving well worth the effort.
Secluded and Quiet 
Marvelous Views
The Boy and his mom
Day 2, Tuesday, May 7th: The four of us settled in, made a trip back to Grant so M could help with wedding stuff, checked out LGSP, and took dinner at Lodge. M and I had some good alone time with W&C just catching up since we had not been with them since last May in Palm Springs. The state park accommodations and amenities were very satisfying.
Hanging with the Rob girls
Aunt and Niece
The Boy and his Girl (like a daughter to us)
Day 3, Wednesday, May 8th: In the morning we went to Cathedral Caverns, after once again dropping M at the Rob's. We lunched afterward hoping to see M's mom (GM) coming from Asheville, but they were later than expected.  We hung out at the pool and then went back to Grant to have dinner with the Rob's and Grandma. This was the first time W&C had seen GM as a couple. Late night and back to the chalet. SJ&M arrived very late from the Huntsville Airport and crashed at our chalet for one night.

Day 4, Thursday, May 9th: More relaxing and amazing family time at LGSP: everyday we had been cooking breakfast in the well appointed kitchen, and had good stuff for lunch as well. Spent a little time in Guntersville preparing for the Bridesmaids' Luncheon scheduled for tomorrow and just having a walk-about. C&M arrived by car from TN visit with in-laws and the girls and their families took over Chalet 2, right next door. So convenient. The rest of the Asheville family arrived; M's two aunts and their husbands also rented a Chalet across the way from us. The day culminated with a big afternoon/evening party at the Rob's: lots of wedding folks, shooting, corn hole, badminton, and BBQ feast. The Micks clan later chilled at Chalet 1 until the late hours. Granddaughter M went down in the Pack N' Play in Mére's and Pére's (that's M and I) bedroom and stayed the night with us. First time night away from mom and dad.

Chalet hang-out time was so enjoyable.
Cousins once removed

Later in the afternoon.
OK, we are not a family that messes around with firearms, but our AL folk enjoy shooting as a recreational outlet. So it was interesting to see the two cultures mix. All of the Rob kids were well acquainted with firearms, their use, safety and they all display some proficiency with them. In particular the youngest and tallest boy Rob child was very adept and obliterating skeet out of the sky with a 12 gauge. On their property there was ample space and background for safe shooting of a variety of firearms.
Shooting Crowd
Middle Rob child (Godson) and his girl T
So, are we going to do this?
I can do it myself
So, if you are familiar with the game most commonly called "corn hole" you will appreciate this little happening. It is called corn hole because small bags filled with dried corn are tossed about 25 feet at an angled board with a hole in it. The object is, of course, to toss the bag accurately enough to get it through the hole or as close as possible. I and son-in-law J think we are pretty good at this so we held back and watched the field until the proper moment and insinuated ourselves into the game. After a couple of games where we did OK, we were finishing up a 2 out of 3 series, J and I held a narrow lead and were close enough to win, if we could score a few more points. I proceeded to sink all 4 of my bags for a perfect round to end the game and finish the series. Now I am one to criticize professional sports figures who like to celebrate success, since they are just doing what they get paid to do, but a sense of overwhelming euphoria took over and I could not fail to whoop and dance for at least a minute and high-fived everyone who was interested. I also made a complete fool of myself.
Post game analysis
So now the party began in earnest with much socializing and great local BBQ.
The Bride
Micks Kid Couples
Later it was time for some quiet porch-sitting.
Bride and Groom - is that a dog?
Sis and Bro - that's love
Day 5, Friday, May 10th: The girls got ready and went to the Bridesmaids' Luncheon, and the boys and granddaughter M took a park walk. After all the formalities we had a family cookout at the Chalets with M's aunt and uncle, since the rehearsal dinner was a small, intimate affair for the wedding party. The BOYS did an amazing job of preparing the protein needed to replenish and sustain us from all the activities. More late night family time and another night with the granddaughter; why move her?

The Bridesmaids' Luncheon was held at a tea room of sorts in Guntersville. Nice.
Family Cookout later that evening.
M's Aunt and Uncle in the chalet
This is what I do (pictures of welded pressure vessels)
I love my Aunt and Uncle
Day 6, Saturday, May 11th: All wedding, all day.
Am I cool?
The Micks Clan
Good Genes
May I have this dance? 
What a handsome a couple and a great lake view
Looks like all are having fun
Oldest Rob boy and wife - great musicians and faithful folk
Later that night and all together.
Day 7, Sunday, May 12th: SJ&M leave to catch an early flight, C&M leave by car soon thereafter. M and I and W&C attend a Mother's Day Brunch at the Lodge with lots of other wedding folk staying over in the area. Afternoon was crash time for us. With a leftover dinner and a bit of packing for the early get-a-way to the airport we went down early.

Day 8, Monday, May 13th: M and I dropped W&C off at the airport for a very early flight which worked well so we could get an early start on our trek home. We arrived with little wear-and-tear with lots of opportunity to reflect on the trip home.

Some Reflections

Family time: Since the boy lives on the Left Coast, we do not see him and his wife in the flesh very often.  But thanks to Facetime, we are able to interact in a somewhat normal way, even though the interaction is limited to a conversation. Being together allows for doing stuff together which, of course, is infinitely more meaningful. Since the Micks kid couples all made the sacrifice to come to AL, the resulting "whole family feel" was rich and precious. The fact they all, husbands and wives, get along so famously, is a blessing beyond description. On the cookout night the kids took over all the food prep; we are foodies to the core and they held true to form. Occasionally I walked out to the two grills just to socialize with nary a thought of suggesting anything about what they were doing. Those boys are grill-meisters from the word gourmet. The girls held down the inside stuff and we were treated to a feast. Now this is a manifestation of how to raise children.

Lake Guntersville SP: The background setting for these events exceeded all our expectations and though we were there for a week we only scratched the surface of what it had to offer. Just being able to sit on the deck (with or without family) and view the surroundings were enough to satisfy my vacation yearnings. The staff were in all cases friendly, responsive, cordial, respectful, knowledgeable, and just plan happy to be working at a state park. 

Wedding: We were delighted to be able to celebrate with the bride and groom and the extended Robinson family and to spend such quality time with that family as well as new acquaintances. The newlyweds have the love and support of many: a good start in their new life together.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the sweet (and detailed!) roundup of the whole week! It was such a blessing to have the whole family there.
