Tuesday, June 18, 2013

New Trail: Damascus, VA to Atkins, VA

Date: May 29 - June 2, 2013
Where: Damascus, VA (east of Abingdon), to Atkins, VA (Groseclose Exit 54, I-81)
Weather: Start sunny and pleasant through day 4 which changed to rain
Length: 75 miles (D1 - 15, D2 - 17, D3 - 20, D4 - 11, D5 - 12)
Elevation: Damascus (2000), Lost Mountain Shelter (3400), Buzzard Rock (5080), Mt. Rogers Side Trail (5490), Wise Shelter (4430), Trimpi Shelter (3030), Partnership Shelter (3260), Atkins, VA (2420)

How much medicine is appropriate to take for pain on the trail?

If you have been keeping up with my recent blogs you know the story leading up this hike. If not, go check them out. After the outcome of my last hike in the Smokies (did not finish my original plan, but going back to finish in July), I was anxious about how my hips and knees were going to feel on this hike. I had been using ibuprofen as an anti-inflammatory in the past with reasonable results. Naproxen had been recommended by many on and off the trail for pain due to inflammation of the sort one would expect to encounter, but up to that last hike I did not feel like I needed something that strong. I decided that on this hike I would get out ahead of the pain, and take naproxen prophylactically: 2 in the am and 1 at night, the recommended dosage. I had been using it some beforehand to see how I would tolerate it.

Day 1: M and I split (she headed for Richmond) near East Laurel Avenue and the Lazy Fox Inn about 9:30a on Wednesday. I hiked out of town planning to travel 163 miles, all the way to Pearisburg, VA in 12 days (11 nights). I was carrying a moderate load (35#) including my one-man tent and lots of food (but not enough for the full trek) and feeling pretty good. My plan was to hike about 10 miles to the first shelter north of Damascus and see how I felt and then decide if I wanted to go further. I arrived at the Saunders Shelter by 1:30p feeling really good and with only 5 miles to go to the next shelter, Lost Mountain, I decided to push on. I had met Sis on the up hill pull out of Damascus, chatted for a bit and found out she was headed for the next shelter. I arrived before 5:00p to a large crowd that got bigger, since there were still many NoBo thru-hikers on the trail. I experienced good food, good company, and had a good sleep (those new leggings worked great in conjunction with my lightweight fleece sleep sack).
mountain laurel
AT and Creeper Trail ensemble
I met a thru-hiker at the shelter named Enoch, who asked me about me trek. When I told him I was a section hiker and had hiked 15 miles on my first day back on the trail, he paused and said that was a pretty good start, and asked what was I planning for tomorrow? I replied that since I was ahead of plan I would take it easy and maybe do 12.2 miles to the next shelter. He thought that was a good idea and curious about how much I felt I could hike in a day consistently. In my mind I feel like I can do 15 to 20 per day.

Lost Mountain Shelter
Enock with beard at table
Day 2: Since I was feeling so good and ahead of plan, I began to wonder if I could shorten my hike by a day and end on Saturday week. With an early start, if I pushed a bit on this day that would be a possibility. So like yesterday, I planned to hike to the next shelter and then see what was what. The hike was primarily in open country, Grayson Highlands, resembling the Scottish Highlands: very rocky with lots of ups and downs. I was feeling a bit weary after 12 miles but with plenty of daylight, 5 more miles to the next shelter seemed doable. So off I went. Those last 5 miles were very difficult, again rocky and uneven. I had to watch every step, but did pause frequently to take in the sights.
Easy start but rocky thereafter
Following is a video from Buzzard Rock, the best overall view of the day. The peak of Mt. Rogers does not have a view so it is usually passed by after the prior spectacle.

Color in the Highlands
Trail to Mt. Rogers (off the AT)
Multiple ridges to the west
Typical outcropping
Wild (?) ponies
So I pulled into an empty Wise Shelter about 5:00p after 17.2 miles and my feet were starting to talk to me. I checked them out and doctored some manageable sores. Soon thereafter, some thru-hikers presented themselves and then pushed on down the trail. Enoch showed up and the first thing he said was, "So much for an easy day. What are you trying to do, kill yourself?" He had a point: what's the hurry. But I had completed in two days what I had planned for the first three. Pretty impressive. Sis showed up a bit later and we had the shelter all to ourselves, as some thru-hikers were camping a few yards down the trail. Another night of good company, good food and a good sleep. Enoch, Sis and I had a conversation about taking anti-inflammatories while hiking. I commented on my prophylactic regimen. Enoch, wise man that he is, said he did not like to take medicine because he wanted his body to talk to him. Pain means something and he dislikes masking it. He stated that if he were to take naproxen he would feel so good he could do 25 miles on his head, but pay for it later. Was I listening?

Wise Shelter - who is wise?
Day 3: I definitely wanted to slow down a bit but did get out of the shelter early so I would have options. Both Sis and Enoch were still rising when I left. Still feeling pretty good, but my feet were sore. My plan was to hike to the Hurricane Mountain Shelter just 10 miles away and see how things were progressing. If I pushed past this shelter I had two options: the first was a campsite 7 miles past or the next shelter another 10 miles. Again I got to the shelter and felt pretty good and had time to push on, so I did. Somewhere before the campsite, I stumbled a bit and turned my ankle, not severely but I could feel some discomfort, Usually what I do in those circumstances is to take it easy for a bit to see if it goes away. I was not limping but I could feel a little pull the rest of the day, but it was not slowing me down. 

Things may not be what they seem.

Even the most up-to-date trail information can be misleading. Sis had decided she was going to tent at the campsite and so I knew there would be company there so I set my sights on it and pushed on. There was a pretty steep ascent so by the time I reached the top I was ready to stop and it was getting close to 6:00p. The trail markings for the campsite were somewhat confusing but I deduced where it was from maps and other information. I found the turn off and headed downhill to the campsite. First action was to see if there were any dry level spots for a tent (nothing promising), and second to check out the spring (I had just about finished all my water). I realized that the spring was basically a marsh with only an oily looking shallow pool surrounding by boot sucking muck. As I was pondering the situation, an onslaught of mosquitos arrived. In short order I determined that this was not a habitable campsite and that I needed to get back on the trail as fast as possible and hike the remaining 2.5 miles to the Trimpi shelter. The terrain was not too bad so I made good time but still arrived at 7:30p completely done in. All my thru-hiker buddies were already in the area; they had all passed me sometime during the day or while I was down in that swampy hole. I had hiked 20 miles when I had originally thought about 10; what is going on? I was worried about Sis and what she would do when she saw that campsite. I put my head down on the table in front of the shelter and just crashed. After a bit I organized my stuff in the shelter and met Little Bird, a youngish girl from the Central states already in her sleeping bag with Peppy, her sheep dog in residence as well. I saw Enoch again and he gave me the same quizzical look. I was now significantly ahead of my original plan, but now I knew I had to slow down. My feet were really sore and I had expanded a blister on the ball of my right foot that I thought I had taken care off. I ate and crashed but the balls of my feet were pounding. I swore I would only hike 10 miles to the Partnership Shelter the next day. Sis came in just before dark and had completely missed the turnoff to the bad campsite. We were glad to see each other safely in a hospitable place.
Trimpi Shelter

Day 4: I took it really slow in the morning, knowing that I only had 10 miles to go today and Little Bird had already told me she was taking a half day. The Partnership Shelter is within a few hundred yards of the Mt. Rogers Visitor Center and Headquarters, close enough to Marion, VA for pizza delivery. It had a solar shower, piped water, and a beautiful privy. That's all Little Bird talked as we leapfrogged each other through the morning. We arrived about the same time to find a group already in residence, led by Sawyer (he saws logs in his sleep), a 40 something guy with Tourettes Syndrome (self-proclaimed and obvious), a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary tics and vocalizations and often the compulsive utterance of obscenities. His story is too long to tell, so if you want to hear it give me a call (804-543-6379). It suffices to say that I had not been called the names applied to me that day since I was in college. He was not malicious but could be significantly intimidating if you did not know what was going on. How many times do you get called a mother- f__ing son-of-a-bitch" before you realize he is just saying: hello, I like you. I soon was able to translate his outbursts (must be those Rosetta Stone french lessons) and engage in meaningful interaction. His entourage consisted of a variety of trail hobos and groupies. He had resources so he an an accomplice had hitch-hiked into Marion and brought back the mother load of food for all to enjoy. When Little Bird and I arrived around 12:30p there was a mountain of food on the table and someone in the party grilling hot dogs. Harsh language aside, we chowed down. After a shower and sorting out of stuff for the evening, we walked up to the Visitor Center to check things out. Now my feet are really hurting, especially my right one which was the foot with the turned ankle connected to it. Sis showed up and met her sister in order to take a "zero day" (no miles). Enoch passed through and hitch-hiked into town. Little Bird and I ordered a large pizza, breadsticks, and salad. What a feast. We passed on the grilled chicken a la Sawyer; the chicken had been sitting out practically all day since they returned from Marion. The weather so far had been good, no rain, moderate temperatures, but things were going to change. So I had a phone conversation with M and got the hour-by-hour forecast for Atkins, VA, a wide place in the road at an intersection of US 11 and I-81, 10 miles away. Rain would build throughout the day so getting there and taking a day in town was a distinct possibility. I had become more acquainted with Little Bird and Peppy while we shared a pizza and we had similar hiking plans. Before going to bed I had my foot up on a bench at the shelter and one of Sawyer's groupies looked at the ball of my foot and said, "Man, that don't look too good." Another throbbing night.
A hiker friend up ahead 
Partnership Shelter - a palace
The Upper Deck - comfy and quiet
Sometime during Day 4 the lens movement of my camera started sticking when I turned it on; no more Hank pictures.

Day 5: I decides to get up really early and head out with a cold breakfast; no time for cooking. I wanted to get ahead of the rain and the skies were threatening. I got my trailrunners on and the feet seem OK for now, tender but manageable. So I hightailed it and by 10:00 the rain began in earnest. Now another feature of Atkins, VA is the Sunday buffet at The Barn, an establishment just off the trail. The buffet is open from 11 to 2 and the place closes at 3. Buffets area a favorite of thru-hikers. So there were many reasons to get to town on schedule and I was sure that I was not going any further this day either and would take a room at the Relax Inn, also just off the trail. With a steady rain my feet became soaked; Gore tex is for the birds, if you stick your foot in a bucket of water with anything less that waders on your feet are going to get wet, and the waterproofing makes drying your boots difficult. The trail as it winds down from the mountain ridge plows through much tall grass so everything from waist down is drenched. I was not having fun at this point and all I wanted to do was get to the Relax Inn, dump my stuff, get some lunch, and rest. Little Bird, Peppy, and I arrived simultaneously at the Relax Inn and I knew she was planning on staying there. There were a half dozen other hikers thereabouts. We decided to share a room to save some money and have a little company through the afternoon and evening. She said that during her hike she had shared many a room with some random hiker dude and was used to it. Peppy was her comfort. The buffet was good; I cannot remember the last time I ate chicken-fried steak - I ate two plus a ton of other vittles for $7.99. The ball of my foot was really sore now and I was favoring it. While we were going into The Barn, Sis showed up and we chatted for a bit. I was rubbing my ankle and she asked if I was alright (she is a nurse). I said I had tweeked my ankle and she gave it a look. "Did you know it was swollen?"; "Uh, not really"; "Does it hurt if I push here?"; No."; "Good, no blood clot"; "Phew." What next?
The Barn
Change in Plans.

So after lunch we went back to the motel, washed clothes, took a food inventory, called home, relaxed. I started taking a closer look at the foot, since now I am hobbling around. The blister on the ball of my foot is larger still and an angry purple color underneath. Is that a bruise? The ankle was swollen and hurt as well. I had already talked to M and told her where we were and what we were doing. A fellow hiker about my age was out front of the motel under the overhang and we started talking. He asked about my foot and ankle and said I should consider taking a day completely off to see if the swelling would go down. We talked some more and then I talked with Little Bird and she was concerned about the bruising under the blister as well. Up until then I had not considered taking a day off and just resting; I was over a day ahead of my original plan and had already hiked 75 miles. When I told the guy that I lived in Richmond 4 to 5 hours away. He opined that if he were me he would just go home and rest there instead of staying holed up in a cheap motel. I also began to consider the fact that one day was probably not going to be enough rest. So I called M and we planned that I would call her the next morning very early and let her know if my situation improved enough where I could take an extra day at the motel and then continue on. She was prepared to come at anytime to pick me up. At this point I was pretty down, but then realized that I was just experiencing difficulties like any other long distance hiker, so I decided that this would be an experiment in recovery. How long would it actually take for the ball of my foot to improve and the ankle swelling to subside? I would find out by sitting in my Poyang chair in the Garden Room at home in Richmond with my foot and ankle raised and iced and not at the Relax Inn. Things settled down in our room and I slept a blissful sleep in a comfortable bed with a watchdog in the next one. Little Bird and Peppy were good company and help be deal with my ups and downs that afternoon and evening.

Relax Inn - a hiker Paradise
Day 6: The ankle looked a little less swollen but I could hardly put weight on the ball of that right foot. So I confirmed with M early that I was coming off the trail and she hit the highway to retrieve me. We enjoyed a comfortable ride home. End of hike, a bit prematurely, but a reasonable effort.

So what happened? The combination of prophylactically taking naproxen in order to alleviate the expected pain in my knees and hips (remember the Smokies) and a desire to eat up those miles and finish a day early (to impress whom?) conspired to make me feel really good (I had no appreciable hip or knee pain) and hike more than my body was conditioned to do. Enoch was right from the get-go, I was starting out too aggressively and I had medicated myself so I did not realize the extent of what was going on with my feet and I bruised the crap out of the right one. On that rainy day my feet were swollen (I did not know it)  as well as my ankle and that caused no shortage of abrasions from too tight boots. When I got home they were not pretty to look at.

So what lessons? Consider my limits intelligently and realistically, take pain meds when appropriate and be aware of what my body is telling me. It took nearly a week for the swelling in my ankle to go down and I can still feel ankle tenderness and the effects of that bruise now two weeks later.

What's next? M and I are going to Asheville in July and I am going to complete the Smokies' hike I did not finish in April. I have planned a leisurely trek that I am not going to speed up just because I feel great and somehow think I am "the Man of Steel" when in fact I am a reasonably fit, but nearly 64-year old section hiker with more time to spare than most. Just take it easy Hank; you will have more fun in the long run (or should I say hike?)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Side Trail: Lazy Fox Inn, Damascus, VA

What: 48 hours at the Lazy Fox Inn (B&B)
Where: Damascus, VA
When: May 27 - 29, 2013
Why: Celebrate, Rest, Eat, Wander, Prepare
When we were in AL, I had planned on having M drop me off in Damascus on the way home so I could begin a 12-day hike north to Pearsiburg, VA and I was packed and ready to go. Damascus is one of the few trail towns on the AT, meaning that the trail actually goes directly through the town, a boon to hikers looking for a respite. The day before we left AL I was feeling a bit melancholy and after some reflection put my finger on its source. After a memorable week away from home I was set to spend another two weeks away and that just did not feel right. I wanted to be able to reflect with M about the past week and also, she was finishing up her last year at the preschool, so there were several events I would miss if I hit the trail. So even with backpack ready we sailed right past Abingdon, VA and the Damascus exit on I-81 and never looked back. The following two weeks were quite enjoyable: a little time in Orange, some school events, lounging around the house, a few projects, etc.

So, what about that hike? Well, after a little thought, I decided to suggest to M that we take a few days after Memorial Day to get away. Damascus was my target since I wanted to start my hike there and after a little Internet search came upon the Lazy Fox Inn (LFI), a B&B near the heart of Damascus. I made the reservation with Ginny and we were set for Monday to Wednesday after the Memorial Day Weekend. I took all my gear (35#) so that when she returned to Richmond on Wednesday, I could just walk the one block from the LFI to the main drag in Damascus which just happens to be the AT. On Monday we headed southwest.
When we were trying to find the place, I got turned around on my mental map and a denizen of Damascus after being quizzed about the location of the LFI, hopped in her car and said, "Follow me." That was a gracious introduction into Damascus society. 
We arrived mid-afternoon and found the place deserted, so we set out on a little exploration to get our bearings. We found the surroundings of the LFI to be very amenable to our desire for a quiet get-a-way. Most notable was the creek/river behind the house that was very reminiscent of Spring Creek in Hot Springs, NC where we spend many summer weeks on its banks at the Lippard homestead, lulled into a euphoric state by the continuous sound of rushing water.
Two wooden swings graced the space near the water and I soon found that to be my reading/meditating spot. Glorious. The VA Creeeper Trail, a rails-to-trails endeavor also runs through Damascus, beginning somewhere in Abingdon, and extending all the way to White Top Station., some 34 miles east. So we spent some time down at a park near the river and the trails.

David (Ginny's son visiting from Lynchburg) called us to let us know they were back from shopping, so we headed back to the Inn. After settling into the Fireplace Room upstairs with adjoining, but shared bath, we decided to enjoy some hors d'oeuvres on the gazebo attached to the rear deck. We then left to get some local BBQ at a place we spied on our first outing. We brought it back to the Inn and enjoyed a quiet and satisfying repast on the other side of the house overlooking the river and back garden. We engaged in some conversation with David and Ginny as well as a father and daughter from Durham, NC on a three day visit to the area. Then off to bed and a good sleep.

In the morning at 6:30a I found David and Ginny in the kitchen putting together a mammoth breakfast feast that I had read about in an online review, but most accommodatingly a pot of fresh-brewed coffee. With cup and book in hand I found my way down to the swings. M came  out a little later and then we responded to the chow bell at 8:00a. Breakfast included juice, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, sausage gravy, pancakes, fresh fruit, cheese grits, and peach cobbler (am I forgetting something?). Delicious.
Shaded Deck
A Brace of Ducklings
Gazebo on left
The morning was spent chilling around the deck and river and we had some leftover lunch from our trip the previous day. Water fowl were also a main attraction on the river and bank. There were lots of ducks and some geese. After that we made our way over to Abingdon to see some sights. Unfortunately, the Barter Theatre was not performing (who would on the day after a packed Memorial Day schedule), so we missed that (another time maybe). We did enjoy a little walk-about but the day proved a bit warmer in the sun. We enjoyed visiting the Holston Mountain Artisans, consortium of local and regional arts and crafts folk, which had much interesting items on display and for sale. We then drove out into the country to White's Mill to investigate the surroundings and secure some local stone ground corn meal, but alas, the beginning of the week does not offer much traffic, so the shop and mill were closed until the weekend. O well, it was a delightful drive. Already missing our little piece of paradise in Damascus, we drove back and spent the rest of the afternoon in quiet relaxation. We repeated our hors d"oeuvre routine and then hoofed it over the the Blue Blaze Cafe for two monster salads; we could have shared one. The greens were fresh and the dressing tasty. Afterward we drove out to Inn in the Country for some "real" ice cream.
In the Country
Now the entire time we were in Damascus, there were hikers about, some in the shops and eateries, others congregating in front of the numerous outfitters or the laundromat. The Creeper Trail and AT are major attractions and bring tourist bucks into this apparently sleepy little town. Just a week past 10,000 trail enthusiasts descended on Damascus for the annual Trail Days, a period of time when many thru-hikers should be this far north from Georgia. Cyclists were also in abundance since the Creeper Trail is as or more conducive to two-wheel travel since it was graded for a railway. I love being in contact, even tangentially, with this out-of-doors culture.

Early to bed and early to rise to another feast; pancakes were substituted with French toast. I packed in as much as I could knowing that shortly I would be on the trail. After some farewells M took off for Richmond and I strolled up to Laurel Avenue, and headed east on the trail, my destination was a shelter 10 miles away.
I am ready to go
Reflections: I am so glad the melancholy feeling delayed my hike and that M and I were able to enjoy those last two weeks in May together in Richmond, because among other things that decision enabled our Damascus trip. We so much appreciated the LFI, the people and surroundings, and to top that off it was the best deal by far. Get this: for M and me to spend two nights and enjoy that marvelous breakfast twice cost a mere $150, amazingly reasonable. The time was also a great setup for my hike which began under sunny skies and moderate temperatures.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Side Trail: Family Gathering in Alabama

Lake Guntersville from Chalet
What: A trip to Alabama to attend our niece's wedding that turned into a vacation with our entire family.
When: May 6 to May 13, 2013
Why: When we became aware of our niece's wedding date, we decided we wanted to attend. All of my immediate family (parents and sibling) have gone to greener pastures, so M's and my children and their progeny are my only immediate family: SJ&M (older daughter, husband and new granddaughter); W&C (son and wife); C&M (younger expectant daughter and husband). M has a sister TRob who lives in Grant, AL (near Huntsville) with her husband and they have 6 children. M's brother also sadly passed on some years ago so TRob's children are our only nieces (3) and nephews (3). We have enjoyed over the years building close relationships with each one of them. M's mom and her two sisters are still alive and kicking it in Asheville, NC and we enjoy seeing them on a regular basis. Our girls are close by, but the boy lives with his wife in Portland, OR (not for long) so we do not see them often (PTL for FaceTime). So, since all of our children were invited we conspired to get together with essentially all of M's family in Guntersville, AL near Grant were TRob lives; that would be all M's living aunts, her mother, all her sister's family and our immediate clan. This could be a truly unique family gathering.

M and I decided to rent two chalets at Lake Guntersville State Park (LGSP) since the wedding would be held at the Lodge there and it was close to most of the activity and only 30 minutes from Grant. One chalet we rented for the entire week surrounding the wedding because W&C decided to take a week's vacation and spent that entire time with us (O joy!). The other we took for the three days close to the wedding so the other children would have a comfortable space as well. Travel arrangements and other logistics were planned and then all we had to do was wait to gather down there. Following are some brief descriptions of the events and some pictures. We had an absolutely marvelous time.
We are here
Day 1, Monday, May 6th: In the wee hours of the morning we headed out to AL, arriving after much rain at LGSP. We checked in, grabbed some groceries and drove up the mountain to  Grant to have dinner with Rob folks; from their we drove to Huntsville to pick up W&C and were back at the chalet late in the evening. A day of driving well worth the effort.
Secluded and Quiet 
Marvelous Views
The Boy and his mom
Day 2, Tuesday, May 7th: The four of us settled in, made a trip back to Grant so M could help with wedding stuff, checked out LGSP, and took dinner at Lodge. M and I had some good alone time with W&C just catching up since we had not been with them since last May in Palm Springs. The state park accommodations and amenities were very satisfying.
Hanging with the Rob girls
Aunt and Niece
The Boy and his Girl (like a daughter to us)
Day 3, Wednesday, May 8th: In the morning we went to Cathedral Caverns, after once again dropping M at the Rob's. We lunched afterward hoping to see M's mom (GM) coming from Asheville, but they were later than expected.  We hung out at the pool and then went back to Grant to have dinner with the Rob's and Grandma. This was the first time W&C had seen GM as a couple. Late night and back to the chalet. SJ&M arrived very late from the Huntsville Airport and crashed at our chalet for one night.

Day 4, Thursday, May 9th: More relaxing and amazing family time at LGSP: everyday we had been cooking breakfast in the well appointed kitchen, and had good stuff for lunch as well. Spent a little time in Guntersville preparing for the Bridesmaids' Luncheon scheduled for tomorrow and just having a walk-about. C&M arrived by car from TN visit with in-laws and the girls and their families took over Chalet 2, right next door. So convenient. The rest of the Asheville family arrived; M's two aunts and their husbands also rented a Chalet across the way from us. The day culminated with a big afternoon/evening party at the Rob's: lots of wedding folks, shooting, corn hole, badminton, and BBQ feast. The Micks clan later chilled at Chalet 1 until the late hours. Granddaughter M went down in the Pack N' Play in Mére's and Pére's (that's M and I) bedroom and stayed the night with us. First time night away from mom and dad.

Chalet hang-out time was so enjoyable.
Cousins once removed

Later in the afternoon.
OK, we are not a family that messes around with firearms, but our AL folk enjoy shooting as a recreational outlet. So it was interesting to see the two cultures mix. All of the Rob kids were well acquainted with firearms, their use, safety and they all display some proficiency with them. In particular the youngest and tallest boy Rob child was very adept and obliterating skeet out of the sky with a 12 gauge. On their property there was ample space and background for safe shooting of a variety of firearms.
Shooting Crowd
Middle Rob child (Godson) and his girl T
So, are we going to do this?
I can do it myself
So, if you are familiar with the game most commonly called "corn hole" you will appreciate this little happening. It is called corn hole because small bags filled with dried corn are tossed about 25 feet at an angled board with a hole in it. The object is, of course, to toss the bag accurately enough to get it through the hole or as close as possible. I and son-in-law J think we are pretty good at this so we held back and watched the field until the proper moment and insinuated ourselves into the game. After a couple of games where we did OK, we were finishing up a 2 out of 3 series, J and I held a narrow lead and were close enough to win, if we could score a few more points. I proceeded to sink all 4 of my bags for a perfect round to end the game and finish the series. Now I am one to criticize professional sports figures who like to celebrate success, since they are just doing what they get paid to do, but a sense of overwhelming euphoria took over and I could not fail to whoop and dance for at least a minute and high-fived everyone who was interested. I also made a complete fool of myself.
Post game analysis
So now the party began in earnest with much socializing and great local BBQ.
The Bride
Micks Kid Couples
Later it was time for some quiet porch-sitting.
Bride and Groom - is that a dog?
Sis and Bro - that's love
Day 5, Friday, May 10th: The girls got ready and went to the Bridesmaids' Luncheon, and the boys and granddaughter M took a park walk. After all the formalities we had a family cookout at the Chalets with M's aunt and uncle, since the rehearsal dinner was a small, intimate affair for the wedding party. The BOYS did an amazing job of preparing the protein needed to replenish and sustain us from all the activities. More late night family time and another night with the granddaughter; why move her?

The Bridesmaids' Luncheon was held at a tea room of sorts in Guntersville. Nice.
Family Cookout later that evening.
M's Aunt and Uncle in the chalet
This is what I do (pictures of welded pressure vessels)
I love my Aunt and Uncle
Day 6, Saturday, May 11th: All wedding, all day.
Am I cool?
The Micks Clan
Good Genes
May I have this dance? 
What a handsome a couple and a great lake view
Looks like all are having fun
Oldest Rob boy and wife - great musicians and faithful folk
Later that night and all together.
Day 7, Sunday, May 12th: SJ&M leave to catch an early flight, C&M leave by car soon thereafter. M and I and W&C attend a Mother's Day Brunch at the Lodge with lots of other wedding folk staying over in the area. Afternoon was crash time for us. With a leftover dinner and a bit of packing for the early get-a-way to the airport we went down early.

Day 8, Monday, May 13th: M and I dropped W&C off at the airport for a very early flight which worked well so we could get an early start on our trek home. We arrived with little wear-and-tear with lots of opportunity to reflect on the trip home.

Some Reflections

Family time: Since the boy lives on the Left Coast, we do not see him and his wife in the flesh very often.  But thanks to Facetime, we are able to interact in a somewhat normal way, even though the interaction is limited to a conversation. Being together allows for doing stuff together which, of course, is infinitely more meaningful. Since the Micks kid couples all made the sacrifice to come to AL, the resulting "whole family feel" was rich and precious. The fact they all, husbands and wives, get along so famously, is a blessing beyond description. On the cookout night the kids took over all the food prep; we are foodies to the core and they held true to form. Occasionally I walked out to the two grills just to socialize with nary a thought of suggesting anything about what they were doing. Those boys are grill-meisters from the word gourmet. The girls held down the inside stuff and we were treated to a feast. Now this is a manifestation of how to raise children.

Lake Guntersville SP: The background setting for these events exceeded all our expectations and though we were there for a week we only scratched the surface of what it had to offer. Just being able to sit on the deck (with or without family) and view the surroundings were enough to satisfy my vacation yearnings. The staff were in all cases friendly, responsive, cordial, respectful, knowledgeable, and just plan happy to be working at a state park. 

Wedding: We were delighted to be able to celebrate with the bride and groom and the extended Robinson family and to spend such quality time with that family as well as new acquaintances. The newlyweds have the love and support of many: a good start in their new life together.