Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Tick Trail Part 2: Things May Not Be What They Seem

Thursday AM

Ring, Ring.


Mr. Micks, this is Angie at Dr. Matt's office. I have your lab results: negative for Lyme Disease and Rocky Mtn. Spotted Fever and a few other things they normally check for: your white count is low as well as you platelet level, so he believes you contracted a virus. He wants you to continue to take the antibiotic because of the rash on your leg and come back in a month to have your blood checked.

Did you say, negative for Lyme Disease?

Yes, no Lyme Disease. How are you feeling today?

A little better but still a bit shaky; so did he say anything else about the rash?

How is the rash? Is it irritated or changing?

As a matter of fact, it looks a bit angry this morning, but there is no swelling or discomfort.

Well, that's good; just keep a eye on it, and if there is a change that concerns you give us a call.

Well, thanks. I guess I'll call in about a month and we'll see you then.

Sounds good. Bye, Mr. Micks.

So, I amble into the garden room to consider the situation.  Certainly, I am relieved not to have Lyme Disease; there can be a number of long-term consequences that are unsavory, and I am feeling a bit better so I expect the virus has petered out and time will bring about a restoration of vigor and a cessation of the those blasted headaches and the exacerbated arthritis in the neck. The cognitive dissonance I have been experiencing about my backpacking discipline is resolved, since I thought I had checked myself for ticks and I just could not reason how I missed that little sucker, especially if he had to be attached for at least 24 hours and probably more. Reported cases of Lyme Disease are rare in Virginia.

So the only question that remains is:


I am posting this a few days after the lab report: the rash is fading and I am practically back to normal. I expect my blood test in a month will indicate proper white count and platelet levels, so, this adventure comes to a close.

Back on the trail soon!

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